1320 Hausman Rd. Suite 200, Allentown PA 18104


Select the option that best fits your business


Cloud-based platform management with updates & security
  • Hosted Microsoft Office 365 with Teams 
  • Hosted Exchange email 
  • Antivirus protection & security monitoring
  • Data backup and Disaster recovery


Includes everything in Core I.T. + Live Support & Configuration services
  • Live tech support as needed
  • Personalized help with installation, maintenance & security of all your installed software & devices
  • Technical advice for selecting new tools 

Your Very Own Tech Team

Seamless Integration with Your Business

I.T. Services plug right into your existing business operation with our certified specialists performing the technical work; and quality control managed by a dedicated coordinator accountable to you.

Flexible Pricing – No Risk Terms

The monthly fee is based on the size of your business – so you will never pay for more capacity than you need. Our professional services agreement protects your sensitive data, ensures best business practices, and can be cancelled at any time without penalty. 

Expert Advice Included

When you need to make operational or strategic decisions in this part of your business, you’ll have access to subject-matter experts at no extra charge.  Our experienced professionals have the background & knowledge to answer questions and make thoughtful recommendations when you need them.


Well Done,
You Did It!

Look for our email

We’ll send you a calendar link you can use to schedule a date/time that’s convenient for you.  Really looking forward to hearing your story and answering any questions you have.